Each variation will be presented in the following sections.
The CTA component is a powerful one. It can be used as simple link or button component. But it can also be used as data-js-item
in other components or as data-js-module
When you are using this component as data-js-module
the component can fire global events. That means you can just listen in other modules on this event and work with the provided data.
Nice examples for the cta component as data-js-module
Veams >= v5.0.0
- Veams Framework.veams install vc cta
bower install veams-component-cta --save
} [a] - Define a button or link as cta.String
} [default] - Context class of the cta.String
} - Modifier classes for the cta.String
} - You can define a target when using an a-tag.String
} - You can add this component as data-js-item.Boolean
} - You can add this component as data-js-module.Object
} - You can add options to the cta. This object get stringified in your mark-up.String
} - You should define a title when using an a-tag.c-cta__content.hbs
} - Renders .cta__icon
into the mark-up if set to true.Boolean
} - Renders data-js-item="cta-content"
into the mark-up if set to true.String
} - Content of the cta.String
} [is-active] - Active class for cta if its clicked.String
} [click] - Click handler like touchstart.String
} [null] - Optional label for button while not active.String
} [’[data-js-item=“cta-content”]’] - Element selector for cta content (used for updating button text).String
} [cta:click] - Global event triggered on click.String
} [null] - Optional label for button while active.{
"variations": {
"simple": {
"docs": {
"variationName": "Simple CTA link",
"sectionCenter": true
"settings": {
"ctaButton": false,
"ctaTarget": "#",
"ctaContextClass": "link",
"ctaClass": "is-link"
"content": {
"ctaTitle": "Link Title",
"settings": {
"ctaIcon": true
"content": {
"ctaContent": "Link"
"withJs": {
"docs": {
"variationName": "CTA as trigger module (global event)",
"sectionCenter": true
"settings": {
"ctaButton": true,
"ctaTarget": "#",
"ctaContextClass": "default",
"ctaClass": "class",
"ctaJsItem": false,
"ctaJsModule": true,
"jsOptions": {
"globalEvent": "cta:alert",
"data": "My custom text passed by CTA"
"content": {
"settings": {
"ctaIcon": true
"content": {
"ctaContent": "Button"
{{! WrapWith START: CTA }}
{{#wrapWith "c-cta" settings=this.settings content=this.content}}
{{> c-cta__content this.content}}
{{! WrapWith END: CTA }}
<{{#if options.settings.ctaButton}}button{{else}}a{{/if}}
class="c-cta{{#if options.settings.ctaContextClass}}--{{options.settings.ctaContextClass}}{{else}}--default{{/if}}{{#if options.settings.ctaClass}} {{options.settings.ctaClass}}{{/if}}"
{{#if options.content.ctaTitle}} title="{{options.content.ctaTitle}}"{{/if}}
{{#if options.settings.ctaTarget}} href="{{options.settings.ctaTarget}}"{{/if}}
{{#if options.settings.ctaDownload}} target="_blank"{{/if}}
{{#if options.settings.ctaJsItem}} data-js-item="{{options.settings.ctaJsItem}}"{{/if}}
{{#if options.settings.ctaJsModule}} data-js-module="cta" data-js-options='{{stringify options.settings.jsOptions}}'{{/if}}>
</{{#if options.settings.ctaButton}}button{{else}}a{{/if}}>
{{#isnt settings.ctaIcon false}}
<span class="cta__icon"></span>
<span class="cta__content"{{#if settings.ctaContentJsItem}}
/* ===================================================
=================================================== */
/* ---------------------------------------------------
Global Styles
--------------------------------------------------- */
[data-css="c-cta"] {
.cta__icon {}
.cta__content {}
/* ---------------------------------------------------
Context: Default
--------------------------------------------------- */
.c-cta--default {
* Represents a button with custom click handlers.
* @module CTA
* @version v3.0.2
* @author Sebastian Fitzner
* @author Andy Gutsche
* Requirements
import {Veams} from 'app';
import VeamsComponent from 'veams/src/js/common/component';
const $ = Veams.$;
class CTA extends VeamsComponent {
* Constructor for our class
* @see module.js
* @param {Object} obj - Object which is passed to our class
* @param {Object} obj.el - element which will be saved in this.el
* @param {Object} obj.options - options which will be passed in as JSON object
constructor(obj) {
let options = {
activeClass: 'is-active',
clickHandler: 'click',
closedLabel: null,
ctaContent: '[data-js-item="cta-content"]',
globalEvent: 'cta:click',
openedLabel: null
super(obj, options);
/** =================================================
* ================================================ */
* Get module information
static get info() {
return {
version: '3.0.2',
vc: true,
mod: false // set to true if source was modified in project
* Get and set the active state.
* @param {boolean} state - active state
get active() {
return this._active;
set active(state) {
this._active = state;
/** =================================================
* ================================================ */
get events() {
return {
'{{this.options.clickHandler}}': 'onClick'
/** =================================================
* ================================================= */
* Initialize the view and merge options
initialize() {
this.$ctaContent = $(this.options.ctaContent, this.$el);
if (this.options.closedLabel && !this.options.openedLabel ||
!this.options.closedLabel && this.options.openedLabel) {
console.warn('CTA: You have to set closedLabel and openedLabel or none.');
else {
if (this.options.closedLabel && this.options.openedLabel && !this.$ctaContent.length) {
console.warn('CTA: Labels set, but ' + this.options.ctaContent +
' not found, please make sure settings.ctaContentJsItem is set to true for c-cta__content.');
if (this.$el.is('.' + this.options.activeClass)) {
this.active = true;
render() {
return this;
/** =================================================
* ================================================= */
* Close method
* Remove the active class, set label and trigger global event
* @public
close() {
if (this.options.closedLabel) {
this.$el.attr('title', this.options.closedLabel);
this.active = false;
* Open method
* Add the active class, set label and trigger global event
* @public
open() {
if (this.options.openedLabel) {
this.$el.attr('title', this.options.openedLabel);
this.active = true;
* Click event method
* This method should be overriden when you want to use the button view
* @see button-init.js
* @param {event} e - event object
onClick(e) {
if (typeof this.clickHandler === 'function') {
if (this.active) {
else {
this.clickHandler.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
console.warn('CTA: You need to inherit from ' + this +
' and override the onClick method or pass a function to ' +
this + '.clickHandler !');
* Click handler
* This method is public and can be overridden by
* other instances to support a generic button module
* @public
clickHandler() {
Veams.Vent.trigger(this.options.globalEvent, {
el: this.el,
isActive: this.active,
options: this.options
export default CTA;
<a class="c-cta--link is-link" data-css="c-cta" title="Link Title" href="#">
<span class="cta__icon"></span>
<span class="cta__content">Link</span>
<button class="c-cta--default class" data-css="c-cta" href="#" data-js-module="cta" data-js-options='{"globalEvent":"cta:alert","data":"My custom text passed by CTA"}'>
<span class="cta__icon"></span>
<span class="cta__content">Button</span>